Pittcon`s target
Having grown beyond its roots in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy

Chemistry conference
Pittcon target audience is not just analitycal chemistry

Having grown beyond
its roots in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, Pittcon has evolved into a conference & expo that now also serves

Having grown beyond
its roots in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, Pittcon has evolved into a conference & expo that now also serves

Having grown beyond
its roots in analytical chemistry and spectroscopy, Pittcon has evolved into a conference & expo that now also serves

Welcome to our Conference on Analytical Chemistry

Dear colleagues!

We cordially invite you to participate in the scientific conference "Kyiv Conference on Analytical Chemistry: Modern Trends-2024". For the tenth year the conference unites chemists worked in the field of chemical analysis in Ukraine and abroad.

The purpose of the conference is to be a platform for discussing urgent issues and problems of the modern analytical chemistry and related fields; exchange of the experience and cooperation between academy and industry.

The topics of the conference:

  • New reagents and materials in analytical chemistry and chemical analysis.
  • Methods of sample preparation, concentration, separation.
  • Instrumental methods of analysis.
  • Bioanalytical chemistry; pharmaceutical analysis.
  • Nano- and supramolecular chemistry: challenges for analytical chemistry.
  • Metrology, standardization and quality control.
  • Non-laboratory analysis.
  • Sensor systems: from the development to application.
  • Problems of the environmental analysis.


Dates: October 16-18, 2024. The conference will be held online.

The details  are available on the conference website  


Deadline for the registration and submission of the  abstracts:  01.10.2024.

All registered participants will be invited to submit an article to the journal “Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis”. The successfully  peer-reviewed manuscripts will be published in the current issue . The journal is referenced in databases: Scopus, Web of Science, SciFinder, EBSCO and others. http://www.moca.net.ua.


For more information please contact:

tananaiko@knu.ua ; (067) 892 34 82 - Oksana Tananaiko (general information)

kcacmt@ukr.net ; (063) 620 58 09 - Victoria Klovak  (organization)


With wishes of peace and deep respect

Organizational committee

KCACMT - 2024
