Partners and Sponsors

Dear colleagues!
We cordially invite you to participate in the scientific conference "Kyiv Conference on Analytical Chemistry: Modern Trends-2024". For the tenth year the conference unites chemists worked in the field of chemical analysis in Ukraine and abroad.
The purpose of the conference is to be a platform for discussing urgent issues and problems of the modern analytical chemistry and related fields; exchange of the experience and cooperation between academy and industry.
The topics of the conference:
Dates: October 16-18, 2024. The conference will be held online.
The details are available on the conference website
Deadline for the registration and submission of the abstracts: 01.10.2024.
All registered participants will be invited to submit an article to the journal “Methods and Objects of Chemical Analysis”. The successfully peer-reviewed manuscripts will be published in the current issue . The journal is referenced in databases: Scopus, Web of Science, SciFinder, EBSCO and others.
For more information please contact: ; (067) 892 34 82 - Oksana Tananaiko (general information) ; (063) 620 58 09 - Victoria Klovak (organization)
With wishes of peace and deep respect
Organizational committee
KCACMT - 2024